Debbie & Chris

About Us

There comes a time in life where love meets commitment. This is our journey.

Debbie and Chris met in an unusual fashion; some say it's normal while others think it's weird. Of course, Debbie and Chris believe it was fate.

To find love is not a question of the how. It is a question of the why. Our why met with passion and a desire to become one. Our why’s define us, our desires molds us, and our love will forever more grow our young family, till death do us part.

Preferred Travel Dates

Debbie and Chris are planning some pre and post wedding activities. The preferred travel dates are February 19, 2022 to February 23, 2022. Of course, you are welcome to stay as long as you would like. 


Your presence at our Wedding is the greatest gift of all. However, if you wish to honor us with a gift, we have registered a list with Amazon. You can view it by clicking here:


We have hired Destify to make your travel planning easy. Please click on the Resort Page button below for more information about pricing and booking.

Resort Page book now!